Do you offer tax exemptions?

BC Safety Apparel and Equipment PST Exemption

Residents of British Columbia who purchase safety apparel will have the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) waived automatically on eligible products.

If the clothing is required by WorkSafeBC’s Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, or if you’re an employer (including educational institutions or self-employed individuals) purchasing safety gear for your company, you qualify for a PST exemption. A valid PST number or a completed General Certificate of Exemption is required.

For a full list of PST-exempt items, visit this link.

BC Resellers

We provide PST tax exemptions to BC-based resellers. If you have a account and have a PST number, simply register your number here, and your account will be updated to only charge GST. If you don’t have a PST number but plan to re-sell the products, please complete a Certificate of Exemption.

First Nations

We also provide tax exemptions for orders delivered to a reserve. Only Ontario permits a point-of-sale exemption, whereas in every other province and territory, a sales tax exemption can only be claimed where goods are to be delivered to a reserve by vendors or their agents (a courier or the postal service).

  • Please create an account on our site
  • Email us photos of the front and back of your valid First Nations Status card
  • Provide us with the reservation shipping address

For more information, the Canada Revenue Agency has a helpful page here. Kindly refer to the respective provincial policies outlined below.

BC, AB, SK, MB, NB, NS, PEI, and NL

If you place an order for delivery to your reservation and provide us with your valid First Nations Status card, you will be exempt from paying GST/HST.


If you place an order for delivery to your reservation and provide us with your valid First Nations Status card, you will be exempt from paying GST/QST.


For those in Ontario, we are unable to offer the tax exemption as it is prohibited by law for online purchases. You may send a claim for refund to the Ontario Ministry of Finance here.

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